Friday, June 28, 2013

Twin Cribs

The boys are finally ready to come out of their Pack-N-Plays and sleep in cribs!  I bought 2 matching cribs in Espresso from Walmart Online.  I just love the dark color!

The cute zoo animal bumper pads and bedding also came from Walmart which is really odd because I looked everywhere for something cute and this was the only thing I liked!

  The boys had been sleeping in separate pack-n-plays, one in this room and one in my room.  Beckham is a great sleeper and slept in until 7am, but Hudson wakes up a lot and was usually ready to get up in the morning around 5am!  You can see why I kept them separated.

Hudson is smiling now, but at 5am he is usually just screaming!  But he absolutely loves his crib!  Now he wakes up and lays there talking to his little stuffed puppy or jabbering with Beckham.

Beckham also loves his crib.  He seems to talk to the animals on the bumper, it is so sweet!

The boys still like to be together, and sometimes we let them nap together.  They are just too stinkin' cute!!

It is already time to lower the crib!  Did I mention the boys are crawling already?!  Hudson is faster and he only uses his arms!  But Beckham is up on his knees, he is not as fast, he is just careful!

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Boys!

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